Extra curricular activities





Prep to Grade 6.

Fridays 3.30pm – 4.30pm (Term 3 2022)

For more information:

Email: bookings@sportwise.com.au

Website: www.SportWise.com.au



Junior Rockers


At Junior Rockers, we offer musical programs for primary school-aged students. We teach the certified Australian Music Examination Board curriculum. The AMEB syllabus begins at an advanced level so we have also developed and published a series of music books specifically for young beginners. This series, called The Road to Mastery, takes young students from complete beginner and teaches them all the basic fundamentals of theory, technique and physical command required to progress into the AMEB series. 


Junior Rockers is offered at Caulfield Primary during the school day. Please click here for Junior Rockers programs.



Hot Shots Tennis Coaching


Conducted at Caulfield Prmary School 

Friday before school 8.10am-8.40am

Email: caulfieldpstennis@gmail.com





Computer Programming Club @ Caulfield Primary School with Digimaker takes place on Thursday afternoon after school. 

To enrol, fill out the form online at www.digimaker.com.au/enrol