If your child is starting Foundation (Prep) in 2026, you will be able to apply to enrol your child in a Victorian government primary school from the start of Term 2, 2025 (Tuesday 22nd April 2025).
Please submit Prep Enrolments by Friday 25th July 2025
You will be notified of the outcome of your application between Monday 28 July and Friday 8 August 2025. If you receive an enrolment offer, you should accept the offer by Friday 22 August 2025.
Here is a factsheet from the Department of Education providing a summary of the Foundation (Prep) enrolment process for the 2026 school year: Factsheet for Foundation (Prep) enrolment process
Please provide a copy of your child's birth certificate or passport and Medicare Immunisation Statement with the enrolment application.
Please note that updated proof of in-zone residence may be requested at this time.
To confirm a permanent address on enrolment forms, all enrolment forms MUST be accompanied by evidence of permanent residence including:
A copy of a rental agreement, unconditional sale notice or rates notice; and
A copy of two of the following:electoral enrolment confirmation;a utilities bill; or other official documentation that demonstrates permanent residency at that address such as a driver’s license or health care card.
Documents should show the same address and parent’s/carer’s name as recorded on the enrolment application form
Without ALL the required information we will be unable to process your application.
Enrolment Form Application Form
If you are NOT zoned for Caulfield Primary School, please complete the Student Application Form. This form will be kept on file until the school has determined how many IN zone applications the school received, and therefore how many OUT of zone applications it can accept. Information collected in this form allows schools to assess the application in line with the Placement Policy. If/when we have confirmed there is a place for you at our school, you will be required to complete the Student Enrolment Form to complete the enrolment process.
We welcome enrolments for entry after 2025 however these will be held on file until the year prior to entry, when they will be considered.