The Caulfield Primary School Council reviews all parent contributions every year and endeavours to minimise the costs to all families. This financial support reflects the committment and community partnership of parents with our school, to improve the student's educational opportunities.
Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum, netherless your contributions make a significant difference, and this financial support ensures that we can continue to provide an excellent range of facilities and resources for your children.
It is these contributions made by our parent community, over many years, that provide us with an enriched learning and teaching program and the environment and resources that we enjoy today.
An item or activity can be provided on a user-pays basis and categorised in Extra-Curricular Items and Activities if it is not required for students to meet Curriculum outcomes or if there is a free standard activity available for students to participate in the Curriculum.
Schools do not need to provide students with access to Extra-Curricular Items and Activities if payment is not received.
Please click below to view the 2024 Student Charges and Voluntary Contributions.
Prep Parent Contributions 2024
Year 1/2 Parent Contributions 2024
Years 3/4 Parent Contributions 2024
Year 5/6 Parent Contributions 2024
In addition to the above Contribtutions, a Term Statement is sent home an the beginning of each term covering the costs of OPTIONAL excursions, incursions and other activities for that term. This cost varies each term depending on the planned activities and payment is required to attend. Our swimming program (all year levels) and camp (Years 3 - 6) payments are invoiced seperately duing the year.
Please view the CSEF page (located under Parents) to understand if you are eligible for Government support for school charges.